dare one是什么意思(dare one 什么档次)

今天,我们就请make出来,看看它的“庐山真面目”,看看它究竟有多大的能量 及功效;看能不能为我们这些“如饥似渴”的粉丝们服务。




1.MADE IN CHINA 中国制造 2.What can you make? 你能生产什么?

3.This luxurious car was made in Germany. 这种豪华轿车由德国制造。


1.made a decision 作出决定,Have you made a decision yet? 你作出决定了吗?

2.make progress 取得进步 ,I've made some progress in my English. 我已有了些进步。

3.make contributions 作出贡献

He made contributions to our motherland. 他为我们的祖国作出了贡献。

4.made great efforts 作很大的努力

I made great efforts to prepare for the exam but failed in the end. 我为这次考试作了很多准备,但最后还是失败了。


1.Businessmen usually make profits by doing business. 商人通过做生意获取利润。

2.Nowadays it's not easy to make money. 这年头赚钱不容易了。


1.They made friends at first sight. 他们一见面就交上了朋友。

2.The two countries have made enemies for over a hundred years. 那两个国家已树敌一百多年了。


1.Let me make you a cup of coffee. 让我给你泡杯咖啡。

2.I make myself a cup of tea. 我给自己沏了一杯茶。


1.We made the desert green. 我们把沙漠变成了绿洲。

2.Wealth makes many men selfish. 财富使许多人变得自私。

3.Make yourself at home. (招待客人时用语)请不要客气。


1.One tree doesn't make a wood. 独木不成林。

2.The death of the famous movie star has made big headlines. 那著名影星的死成了头版头条新闻。


1.My father made me a successful businessman. 我父亲使我成为一个成功的商人。

2.We made him our monitor. 我们选他当班长。

3.The boss made his secretary his concubine. 老板把秘书变成了他的二奶。


1.Can you make a poem? 你会作诗吗?

2.I don't know how to make this sentence. 这个句子我不会造。

3.Who made these laws? 这些法律是谁制定的?

4.Have you made a plan for your National Day? 国庆节你计划好怎么过了吗?


1.Beds are made every day in the hotel: 宾馆里的床铺每天都要整理。

2.Please make the meeting room ready before nine. 请于9点前把会议室布置好。

3.We made a camp by the brook. 我们在小溪边扎了营。

4.Can you make a fire for me? 帮我生个火好吗?


1.What time do you make it? 你看现在几点钟?

2.I make the woman is about 40 years old. 我估计那女人大约40岁。

3.I make no doubt of it. 我并不持怀疑态度。


1.The ship makes 12 knots an hour. 这船每小时行驶12海里。

2.Can you make the harbor at 7:00 am? 你能早上7点到达码头吗?

3.Today I only made 20 kilometers. 今天我只走了20公里。


1.Let's make merry. 让我们及时行乐吧。

2.Make sure if he has gone. 查明他走了没有。

3.Make ready! They're coming any minute. 准备好!他们随时就到。

4.She was made mad. 她被逼疯了。


1.This machine is of Chinese make. 这个机器是中国制造的。

2.Is this handicraft your own make? 这手工艺品是你自己做的吗?

3.She has the make of an artist. 她有艺术家的气质。

4.He has the make of an athlete. 他有运动员的体格。


1.make a living 谋生

1.How do you make a living? 你靠什么谋生?

2.I make a living by baby-sitting. 我帮人带孩子维持生计。

2.make a call 打电话

1.Can you get off the phone? I have to make a call. 你能把电话挂了吗?我要打电话了。

2.It takes time to make international calls during peak hours. 电话高峰期很难打国际长途。

3.make a mistake 犯错误

1.It's foolish for men to make such mistakes. 男人犯这样的错误是愚蠢的。

2.When one is unfamiliar with the local customs, it's easy to make a mistake. 当一个人对当地的风俗习惯不熟悉时,就容易闹笑话。

4. make a trip 作旅行,去旅行

1.More and more career women make business trips alone. 越来越多的职业女性要单独出差。

2.I made a trip to Beijing last month. 我上个月去了一趟北京。

5. make away with 偷走;杀死

1.The hooker made away with the fucker's money. 那三陪女偷走嫖客的钱。

2.She is tired of this world, so she finally made away with herself. 她已厌倦这个世界,最后自杀了。

6. make(both )ends meet 使收支平衡,量入而出

1.Despite my working hard, yet I can't make ends meet. 尽管我努力工作,仍然入不敷出。

2.How can you make both ends meet with so little salary? 你工资这么少,怎样使收支平衡呢?

7. make friends(with) 交朋友,与……交朋友

1.Handsome boys have no difficulty (in)making opposite sex friends. 靓仔容易交异性朋友。

2.People with introverted personalities find it difficult to make friends. 内向性格的人很难交上朋友。

8. make fun of 嘲笑,嘲弄,取笑

1.Why did you make fun of me? 你为什么取笑我?

2.Everyone made fun of his getting married with a woman much older than him. 人人都嘲笑他跟一个比他老得多的女人结婚。

3.A wife shouldn't make fun of her husband's impotence. 妻子不应嘲笑丈夫的性无能。

9.make noise 发出声响(噪音),喧嚷,吵闹

1.Every night the night club makes too much noise. 每夜那间夜总会制造太多噪音。

2.Don't make noise. They're having an examination. 别出声,他们在考试。

10. make one's home 安家,定居

1.Where did you make your home, Jack? 杰克,你把家安在哪里了?

2.I made my home in the country. 我把家安在乡下。

11. make public 公布,公开

1.The death of the King was made public to the whole nation at once. 国王的死讯马上向全国发布。

2.The grades will be made public tomorrow. 分数将于明天公布。

12.make up one's mind 下定决心,拿定主意

1.Have you made up your mind about getting a divorce? 你拿定主意要离婚吗?

2.I've made up my mind to quit my job. 我已决定辞职不干了。

13.make up for 补偿,弥补

1.I don't know how to make up for all that you've suffered in the past several years. 我不知道该怎样去补偿你这几年所受的苦难。

2.She has to work overtime in order to make up for her being late for work. 她上班迟到,只好加班弥补。

14.make use of 使用,利用

1.Make full use of your time to study, son. 儿子,好好利用时间学习吧。

2.He makes use of his social connections to earn benefit for himself. 他利用社会关系为自己谋利益。

15.make way for 为……让路;为……腾出空间(空地)

1.The policemen moved the crowds off the street to make way for the parade to pass. 警察驱赶人群离开街道好让游行队伍通过。

2.The crowds made way for the acrobats to perform. 人群让出空间给杂技演员表演。

16.make up to 讨好;拍马屁

1.She tried to make up to her boss but he gave her a cold back. 她试图讨好老板,但老板不给她面子。

2.It's difficult to make up to him. 要拍他的马屁,难呀!

17.make steps(=take steps) 采取步骤,采取措施

1.It's urgent. We must make steps now. 情况紧急,我们现在得赶紧采取措施。

2.Scientists have made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat. 科学家已采取了一系列的措施改良食物使之更适合食用。

18.make sense 合理,可行,有意义,说得通

1.What you suggested makes sense. 你的建议合理。

2.It doesn't make any sense to go travelling during the National Day, because there are

too many people. 国庆节出游最没意思,因为人太多了。

19.make it 成功,到达(目的地),及时赶到

1.I made it to college but I don't like my major. 我终于上了大学,但我不喜欢所学专业。

2.Can you make it to the museum by 9:00 am? 你早上9点能赶到博物馆吗?

20.make a speech 发言,发表演说

1.I was too nervous to make a speech at the meeting. 我太紧张了,会上没有发言。

2.The new president will make a speech to the whole nation today. 今天新总统将向全国发表演说。

21.make a fool of 使……成为笑柄,愚弄欺骗

1.Don't dress like that. You'll make a fool of yourself. 别那样打扮。你会成为笑柄的。

2.He is stern, no one dare to make a fool of him. 他那么严肃,没人敢愚弄他。


1.make a loan to 向……贷款 2.make a face 扮鬼脸

3.make a draft 起草,打草搞 4.make a guess 猜测

5.make a comment(或remark) 评述,评论 6.make a comparison of 对……加以比较

7.make a contribution in/to 在……方面做出贡献,对……做出贡献

8.make a copy of 复印,复制 9.make a deal with 与……达成协议

10.make a correction 改正,批改 11.make a prediction 预言,预测

12.make a fuss of(或over) 对……过分体贴(关心);大惊小怪

13.make a passing mark 及格,取得及格分数

14.make a profit 获利,得益,赚钱 15.make a proposal(或suggestion)0 提建议

16.make a reservation 预定(房间,座位等)17.make a selection 作选择,挑选

18.make a statement 发表声明,陈述 19.make a train(或plane) 赶火车(飞机)

20.make a report 作报告 21.make a purchase 购买

22.make a presentation 演出;发表演说 23.make a withdrawal 提款;撤退;退股

24.make a turn 转弯,拐弯 25.make an appointment(with 与……约定(约会)

26.make an attempt to 试图,企图 27.make an estimate 估计,做出估计

28.make an investigation of 调查,对……进行调查

29.make an exhibition of oneself 出洋相,丢脸,当众出丑

30.make an observation 观测,观察 31.make an impression(on) 给某人留下印象

32.make an appearance 露面 33.make an outline 列提纲

34.make an improvement(in) 改善,改进 35.make an offer 出价;求婚

36.make an error 犯错误,失误 37.make an adversary 树敌,树立对立面

38.make advances 取得进展(进步) 39.make arrangements 安排,作安排

40.make at(sb. 袭击(某人) 41.make available 使获得,使可以得到

42.make binding decision 做出有约束力的决定

43.make compliments to 恭维;问候 44.make concessions 让步,做出让步

45.make every effort to 竭尽全力 46.make exceptions 例外,破例

47.make for 走向,朝……走去 48.make good time 进行得顺利

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